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Ace Cruncher
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Re: Not sure how much longer they will be able to keep crunching in the UK

For those who can't see it, 2 sunspots, man made, appearing for the mere moment of 0.54 seconds as photographed from Spain. The new SDO and SOHO and STEREO missed these too :P

On a more serious note, no idea where that energy is coming from but the Arctic Sea Ice volume dropped between April 30 and May 13 by another 1,000 cubic kilometers. Solar minimum, as far as these sunspots are concerned continues, but then we knew for longer that these were just a symptom of what's happening deep below.

PS: That is now the equivalent of 9,000,000 km square of 1 meter thick sea ice missing. Those who see the Arctic ice recovering, please sit down!
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[May 19, 2010 2:27:22 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Not sure how much longer they will be able to keep crunching in the UK

marysduby, your political views interest me not one iota.------Well i was not trying to interest you my politic--mostly i think there are more pressing matters to contemplate---TKH i apologize for the infertile intellect and language----what to do ??

[OffTopic]Here's a real conspiracy for you:
WikiLeaks founder has his passport confiscated (by Australian government):[/OffTopic]
[May 19, 2010 5:31:20 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Not sure how much longer they will be able to keep crunching in the UK

marysduby, your political views interest me not one iota.------Well i was not trying to interest you my politic--mostly i think there are more pressing matters to contemplate---TKH i apologize for the infertile intellect and language----what to do ??

[OffTopic]Here's a real conspiracy for you:
WikiLeaks founder has his passport confiscated (by Australian government):[/OffTopic]

That is very troublesome,but thats par for the course nowadays--its coming to the US i think-The govt has been trying to get rid of Glenn Beck.Everything he has been saying is the truth though
[May 19, 2010 11:53:04 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Not sure how much longer they will be able to keep crunching in the UK

Glenn Beck.Everything he has been saying is the truth though

[Offtopic]Oh my.

"Glenn Beck Has Nazi Tourette's" (VIDEO)[/Offtopic]
[May 20, 2010 2:02:35 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: Not sure how much longer they will be able to keep crunching in the UK

Brace yourself for this…

Earlier this year the words To understand and protect our home planet were quietly omitted from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration mission statement. In their place is some vague mandate to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research.

If one considers the many tons of hardware NASA has hoisted into orbit bristling with cameras, spectral analyzers, infra-red scanners, laser locaters and snappy little blue emblems; and one considers the invaluable information provided by all this stuff about Earth’s ocean currents, wind patterns, water reservoirs, melting ice caps, carbon dioxide densities, and ozone holes; and one also considers how utterly absurd it would be to drop understanding and protecting our home planet from the job description of the people best suited to the task, then one comes to a single conclusion: This is not our home planet.

Take a minute if you need it. This was hard on me at first too, but the more I think about it the more sense it makes. Like canny children who always suspected they were adopted and are not surprised when their real parents turn out to be wizards – or at least cooler than the parents they have – this will not be a shock to all of us.

Judging by what happens during a lifetime on this rock to our skins, muscle tone, and lower lumbar regions alone, it is plain to see we are not designed to live in Earth’s environment for the long haul. There must be a daintier, more softly lit water bearing paradise somewhere and we’ve simply lost track of it. We know this in our heart of hearts and always have.

Every human culture throughout history has come up with a creation myth to explain the pickle we are in. Nine times in ten the story goes down this way: People and animals lounging together in a dainty, softly lit paradise, fruit and vegetables fairly dripping into our mouths, and then some smart aleck goes and starts a fire or eats an apple and the next thing you know we’re all living in New Jersey.

Being on Earth is a form of punishment. That’s how we’ve always framed it. The Bible is full of this stuff. Job 7:1 informs us Does not man have hard service on earth? Are not his days like those of the hired man? Yes, and with no minimum wage increase since Noah laid off the crew from the Ark.

The simmering animosity at the root of this sentiment could well explain our collective inability to take care of the place. Mother Earth has become more like the annoying aunt everybody loves to hate. She has all these conditions she won’t shut up about and she always manages to rain on the parade. How many hours in a day does modern broadcasting devote to reporting bad weather and natural calamity? If we spent that amount of time parsing the complexities of deep space travel, we’d be home by now.

This is a reasonable and good explanation for NASA’s change of focus, and I’m all for it. Why continue to collect even more unpleasant facts about our current lease on life when we could be working on getting back to where we belong?

President Bush declared in January 2004 that we would be putting men back on the moon and sending some to Mars as well. The announcement was so apropos of nothing at the time it didn’t last two days in the news cycle. You can’t blame people. We know Mars is not our place. The gravity might be more agreeable, but face it, -100 degree carbon dioxide as an atmosphere would make an L.A. rush hour smell like a breath of fresh air.

But, Mars is a good place to practice for the trip back to the true mother planet wherever she is. If anybody is in a position to find it, it’s NASA. So point all those cameras and scanners out to the stars and keep your eyes peeled for a familiar blue ball. Forget about all those atmospheric studies. Go to work on some warp drives and we’ll soon be blasting off right through that hole in the ozone, and into the arms of our long lost cousins. That is, if they’ll have us back once they see what we’ve done to the rental.

Yes we're living the movies: The Red Planet... forth we go!
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[May 20, 2010 8:16:37 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: Not sure how much longer they will be able to keep crunching in the UK

Someone took the JAXA data and then plotted in the 1972-2008 mean [dashed line]:

The chart is big and shows for those in the glass half full world, that the melt is all normal, sometimes for days on end 3x Belgium and it then coming back in 6 months... not quite if one looks at that dotted line... yesterday 5.25 times Belgium went like snow for the [spotless] sun.

It Ain't True they say!

PS: 2010 has now sunk to spot 6 on JAXA record! From latest winter peak to almost earliest lowest on record for this period... and it´s only spring.
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[May 20, 2010 5:26:38 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: Not sure how much longer they will be able to keep crunching in the UK

There's this massive polyanys off the Siberian coast since a number of days per pics from MODIS as processed by Uni-Bremen (also seen at Atmos):

(very big image)

Which caught back to this story about a single gray whale that has lost it's way in the seas closer to my home:

Wayward Gray Whale Is the First Seen in Atlantic Region in Centuries

... Still, Clapham says, the Northwest Passage journey is far more likely than the alternative explanation: That a relic population of Atlantic gray whales has escaped attention for centuries. The scientists don't have funding to tag and track the whale to be sure, but Clapham argues that this won't be the last whale to find its way across the Arctic to points unknown.

Will it grow hungry, absent krill and other sources of it's regular food staple and find it's way out again through the Strait of Gibraltar? Whales live in the Med, so maybe an alternate dish will keep it alive. Could be there's another conspiracy amongst the animals and plants too. Kurdu, a bad weed loves the much higher CO2 in the atmosphere and has been moving way north in the USoA and is /has already hit Canada. More pesticides needed. 2mg injected in the heart of the plant seems to kill the mother root without loading up the environment with more poisons.

390 ppmv CO2 in the air and wheat having 8% less nutritious value. I'd call that a rather immediate problem... in the USoA they just eat more and go to some great restaurants some such called the Heart Attack Grill where anyone over 150kg gets to eat for free in a hospital gown. The menu has some exiting choices as the single and triple bypass burger. Yes go get your Happy Meal for:
Is it I, God, or who, that lifts this arm? But if the great sun move not of himself; but is as an errand-boy in heaven; nor one single star can revolve, but by some invisible power; how then can this one small heart beat; this one small brain think thoughts; unless God does that beating, does that thinking, does that living, and not I.

Cogito Ergo Sum

PS: NSIDC, and IJIS/JAXA seem to be putting the track as of yesterday below the 2007 record low year:

The point will be smoothed out in a couple of days, but that book of Stephen King remains to be titled "Thinner".
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[Edit 2 times, last edit by Sekerob at May 21, 2010 8:11:12 AM]
[May 21, 2010 7:26:53 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: Not sure how much longer they will be able to keep crunching in the UK

one for marysduby.

On the let's throw it in Tim Ball story, a LONG retired geology geography professor, not one of Climatology must have met up at the ICCC/Heartland conference last week with Don Easterbrook, also a geography professor. The old saying is that tell the truth and you will never have to remember what you lied about and low and behold, caught red handed:

Cooling-gate! Easterbrook fakes his figures, hides the incline!

... Either you live by the standards you demand of others, or you shut up. I look forward to the detailed coverage of Easterbrook’s cavalier approach to evidence from Watts Up With That, Climate Audit, Delingpole at the Telegraph and Leake at the Sunday Times. But I won’t be holding my breath.

Yes, Harry S Truman said it right with a similar expression on Truth.

Now, plz go read up on the ethics of a company called BP. It seems there is a monetary reason why they don´t want the public and the competition to know what is in that millions and millions of gallons of reddish oil spilling into the Gulf, now hitting the coast of LA and soon the east coast of the USoA and possibly the UK/Irish coast too in a while. 1 drop of oil is enough to make 1 million litres of water undrinkable. Think if we take care of fossil fuel use reduction, lot's more other things will take care of themselves. Weeds love high CO2, but produce does not... more weeds, more pesticides needed... was there not an article that it was found to cause ADHD last week? It's in all you eat indeed.

PS, Dr Phil Jones was found to be innocent from what Watts' et al inferred from the stolen e-mails when he noted "hide the decline". What decline (?) when the temps are UP!
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[Edit 1 times, last edit by Sekerob at May 21, 2010 5:33:12 PM]
[May 21, 2010 4:09:58 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Not sure how much longer they will be able to keep crunching in the UK

National Academy of Sciences urges strong action to cut greenhouse gases

The academy, calling it 'the most comprehensive report ever on climate change,' suggests taxing carbon emissions. The papers also raise the possibility that global warming might make it necessary to shift vulnerable populations away from coasts.,0,6608889.story
[May 21, 2010 5:21:39 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: Not sure how much longer they will be able to keep crunching in the UK

We were on a late walk last night and when back recorded:

Bats in the air on bug hunt: Check!
Temp outside higher than inside (no airco): Check!
Cherries near ready to pick: Check!
Figs maturing well: Check!

Kind of when we call it summer here, but nicely, no scorching days yet. Seems the cool has spread out more this year as this map shows:

Daily Departure - May 21, 2010 (Day 141)

PS: Red is where the snow is anomalously missing this time of the year.
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[May 22, 2010 9:37:11 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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