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Ace Cruncher
Senile old farts of the world ....uh.....uh..... nevermind
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Re: smilesmile Join "MyOnlineTeam" Today - Chapter 58 smilesmile

.......................CONGRATULATIONS David Autumns ON REACHING 42,000,000 MOT POINTS !!!.......................


[Nov 15, 2012 5:53:40 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: smilesmile Join "MyOnlineTeam" Today - Chapter 58 smilesmile

Actually, the big interest is in Canada. Immigration lawyers there get lots of inquiries around election time here in the US. Mostly bluster though as most don't.

You know that would be a good choice for a young person---but i am a real old Jackass that is tired of the cold weather too--when i was in my 20s i sent an inquiry to Australia about an ad in the newspaper and they sent me a lot of information about jobs available.Maybe i should have went--that is one place in the world i would really like to visit smile

You'd like Australia. It's a bit more conservative compared to the US, from my exposure. They do seem to have serious problems with wild fires and drought, but they're going after some pretty innovative solutions to the latter.

[Nov 15, 2012 6:11:50 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: smilesmile Join "MyOnlineTeam" Today - Chapter 58 smilesmile


You know that would be a good choice for a young person---but i am a real old Jackass that is tired of the cold weather too--when i was in my 20s i sent an inquiry to Australia about an ad in the newspaper and they sent me a lot of information about jobs available.Maybe i should have went--that is one place in the world i would really like to visit smile

Too bad you did not go sad


Do you know what your PC is doing ???
[Edit 1 times, last edit by xroule at Nov 15, 2012 1:55:57 PM]
[Nov 15, 2012 1:55:03 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
USA - Texas - DFW
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Re: smilesmile Join "MyOnlineTeam" Today - Chapter 58 smilesmile

coffee coffee coffeeGood Thursday Morning Team coffee coffee coffee

Congratulations David! applause

Gerald. I really like that Marble Falls area. Of course I don't know how bad it has gotten where you are but certainly it has to be more "Left" than almost anywhere in Texas. Still it is all too "Left" for me. You know me "The Government that governs least, governs best". Sadly from my perspective, the majority of voters in this country either disagree or just don't understand the issues with bigger and bigger government. I prefer to believe the latter; in that case, there is still some faint glimmer of hope. straight face

Enough with the gloom. I am going to do my best to have a good day today and I bet I get it done. You might as well. smile
One of your friends in Texas cowboy
RT Website Hosting

[Nov 15, 2012 2:21:45 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: smilesmile Join "MyOnlineTeam" Today - Chapter 58 smilesmile

Team ,

Can some one guide me to a place where I can find remaining duration of the projects ?

As there are many projects coming to close , I would like to make sure that there is enough runway left to get badges :) (I would crunch anyway but badges is a nice motivation)

[Nov 15, 2012 6:48:36 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: smilesmile Join "MyOnlineTeam" Today - Chapter 58 smilesmile


You know that would be a good choice for a young person---but i am a real old Jackass that is tired of the cold weather too--when i was in my 20s i sent an inquiry to Australia about an ad in the newspaper and they sent me a lot of information about jobs available.Maybe i should have went--that is one place in the world i would really like to visit smile

Too bad you did not go sad

So true--when i think back on things i wish i had made a few different choices--but i cannot complain God has been good to me--He gave me the ability to work with my hands--i can build cabinets do remodeling and painting,and at one time we had four beauty shops and a pet store--And i still love life--hope you do as well!! smile

[Nov 15, 2012 11:07:04 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: smilesmile Join "MyOnlineTeam" Today - Chapter 58 smilesmile

Team ,

Can some one guide me to a place where I can find remaining duration of the projects ?

As there are many projects coming to close , I would like to make sure that there is enough runway left to get badges :) (I would crunch anyway but badges is a nice motivation)


This may help--

[Nov 15, 2012 11:40:02 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: smilesmile Join "MyOnlineTeam" Today - Chapter 58 smilesmile

coffee coffee coffeeGood Thursday Morning Team coffee coffee coffee

Congratulations David! applause

Gerald. I really like that Marble Falls area. Of course I don't know how bad it has gotten where you are but certainly it has to be more "Left" than almost anywhere in Texas. Still it is all too "Left" for me. You know me "The Government that governs least, governs best". Sadly from my perspective, the majority of voters in this country either disagree or just don't understand the issues with bigger and bigger government. I prefer to believe the latter; in that case, there is still some faint glimmer of hope. straight face

Enough with the gloom. I am going to do my best to have a good day today and I bet I get it done. You might as well. smile
Washington and Jefferson are rolling in their graves
“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
Preamble, Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

[Nov 16, 2012 12:08:51 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: smilesmile Join "MyOnlineTeam" Today - Chapter 58 smilesmile

It’s Time for the 99% to Start Supporting the 1%
October 17th, 2012
A persistent misconception about our economy is that the same amount of stuff is going to be produced, no matter what government policies are implemented. If that was indeed true, then the political debate only becomes one over how all that stuff is divided up. And that is indeed what many people spend their time debating.

But economic productivity can vary tremendously between countries, and even within a country over time. In fact, there are many poor countries with much lower unemployment than the United States…yet they remain poor.

What really matters for a prosperous nation is what is produced for a given amount of labor. We could have near-zero percent unemployment tomorrow if the government mandated that half the people should dig holes in the ground and the other half fill them up again. But we would be a very poor country, with a very low standard of living.

A high standard of living requires efficiency of production of goods and services that the people want, which in turn requires large investments in facilities, machinery, raw materials, etc. In a competitive free market economy, those investments involve risk…risk that your investment will be lost if someone else figures out a more efficient way to build 10 million smartphones than you figured out.

Now, why would anyone choose to invest large sums of money? Only if they have some hope of receiving much more in return if they are successful. If that incentive provided by the hope for profit is lost, then they will not invest in new business enterprises. No business enterprise for them means no jobs for you.

Our number one priority should be to ensure that producers are allowed to produce, and that they are not penalized for their success. Jobs happen from the top-down (not from the middle-out) when businesses with the money to hire people are allowed the opportunity to succeed.

Yes, a few of them will become rich in the process…but their riches pale in comparison to the greater riches enjoyed by society as a whole through the higher standard of living the good ideas of the rich have enabled. And those profits aren’t kept under a mattress…they are reinvested in the economy, either through expanding the business, hiring more people, or even just buying more stuff which supports other businesses.

Demonizing the rich is demonizing the driving force which elevates the standard of living of the whole country. If you want prosperity, allow the producers to produce. Make it easier for them, not harder.

Not only does this raise our standard of living, it also increases tax revenue, because revenue is a percent of the action, and the more economic activity there is, the greater the tax revenue which is collected to support government services.

And this is how the budget “arithmetic” really works. Balancing the federal budget is not a matter of either (1) increasing tax rates or (2) decreasing spending. That erroneous view mistakenly equates tax rates with tax revenue. Tax revenue (the total number of dollars taken in by the government) is the tax rate multiplied by economic activity. Lowering tax rates, especially on businesses, stimulates economic activity, which then increases tax revenue.

You Don’t Really Want to Play by the Same Rules

For those who like the mantra “everyone should play by the same rules”, let me tell you: you don’t really want to play by the same rules as business. Business owners typically don’t take their share until all of their employees are paid and all of their other business bills are paid.

For every successful rich person, there were many more who tried to become rich but lost everything. Why is it that so many people want a greater share from those who have succeeded, but don’t want to share in the losses of those who failed to become rich?

What if the business you work for fails? How would you like to pay back all of the salary you earned? You got to keep the money, but the business owner or his/her investors lost that money. Do you really want to play by those rules?

And how would you like to work 12+ hours per day trying to abide by all of the regulations increasingly heaped upon businesses by the government?

It’s time for the 99% to start supporting the 1% a little better, because in the end it is the 1% who enables the 99% to maximize their standard of living.

[Nov 16, 2012 12:45:18 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: smilesmile Join "MyOnlineTeam" Today - Chapter 58 smilesmile

Team ,

Can some one guide me to a place where I can find remaining duration of the projects ?

As there are many projects coming to close , I would like to make sure that there is enough runway left to get badges :) (I would crunch anyway but badges is a nice motivation)


This may help--

Thanks ..!!
[Nov 16, 2012 4:53:29 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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